On the Internet, you can find information that it is quite possible to independently increase up to 5 cm in diameter and length.

The result depends on several factors:
- Physiological features - if a man is prone to rapid growth, then the genital organ will increase more significantly when using various methods;
- Perseverance - the process of stretching fabrics is slow, so you have to spend time to achieve the result;
- Regularity - no matter what technique is chosen, it should be used regularly, and the procedures should be done without omissions.
Sometimes it is possible to enlarge the penis by 1-2 cm, but this is a significant achievement, moreover, not all women are focused on size.
When you need it here and now - we use attachments
Sometimes there is a situation when a man needs to enlarge his penis quickly without ointments, gels and exercises. In this case, special devices are applicable - attachments, which will not only add size to the organ, but also strengthen the erection, increasing the quality of sexual intercourse. There are several types of attachments:
- open-type nozzles- suitable if you need to enhance the quality of intercourse and increase the diameter of the penis;
- closed-type tips- they contribute to long and high-quality sex by increasing the length of the phallus, prolonging the erection.
Latex and silicone tips are also being considered, at best they promise up to +10 cm to the available dimensions. Such devices are used by those men who are concerned about the lack of the size of the phallus only during intercourse.

Special exercises are useful for enlarging the penis. This option is ideal for allergy sufferers who avoid applying various formulations to the penis.
The most effective are 3 exercises, each of which will be discussed in detail below . . .
The easiest way to enlarge your penis at home is by stretching. The penis must be grasped by the head and pulled out. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at different angles. It is important to increase the force of impact gradually to avoid tissue damage.
10-15 minutes should be allocated for the stretching session, only under this condition it is possible to achieve the result.
Seated Stretches
For this exercise, the penis must be brought into a semi-erect state. The essence of the method is that the penis is pulled down and back, after which the man sits on it.
This kind of gymnastics allows you to enlarge the base of the penis, lengthen it and increase the size in diameter. The mechanism of action is to increase the pressure on the corpora cavernosa.

This gymnastic method also requires an incomplete erection. It is necessary to bend the penis in different directions, listening to your own feelings - it is important that there is no severe discomfort.
If the manipulation is painful, then this exercise should be stopped immediately. The next time you need to act more carefully to avoid tissue injury.
Which method is more reliable?
Using gels, creams, special food, dietary supplements and tablets, you can achieve stimulation of blood flow, improvement of erection, prolongation of intimate intercourse, and, in general, better self-control during sex. Such methods of penis enlargement at home create conditions for growth rather than stimulate it.
By doing special exercises, complex massages, regular jelqing and hanging, you can expect the growth of the length and girth of the penis, but rather slow.
But how to enlarge your penis at home and get a lasting result without negative consequences? Experts and andrologists strongly recommend using high-quality extenders paired with stretchers, and complementing and consolidating the result - using pumps and hydraulic pumps as auxiliary devices. And only as a last resort, you should resort to surgical intervention.
Sprays and gels
Creams designed to enlarge the penis allow you to carry out this procedure yourself without harm to the body. All products are made from organic ingredients, which minimizes the number of contraindications for men.
According to the mode of action, drugs are divided into 3 groups:

- Long-term - require course use, after which the penis retains the acquired size forever;
- Short-term - the action lasts several hours and helps to enlarge the penis during intimacy;
- Auxiliary - their use reinforces the effect of other drugs designed to change the length and thickness of the genital organ.
What affects the thickness of the penis?
If the penis is wide, it provides additional stimulation during intercourse
Before you understand how you can increase the thickness of the penis, you should figure out if a man needs it. The normal circumference of the penis is 10 to 15 cm. According to statistics, most men have a penis 13-16 cm in length and about 12 cm in volume.
Large penis girth provides:
- the best stimulation of the vaginal opening,
- tighter girth of the penis by the walls of the vagina,
- better erection control,
- vivid sensations during orgasm.
If a woman's vagina wraps around the penis tightly, the man feels additional stimulation along the entire length of the penis. This increases the sensitivity of the head and improves the sensation of orgasm.
It has been proven that women get an orgasm from stimulation of the first five centimeters from the entrance to the vagina. The large penis creates a fuller effect, which increases female arousal and lubrication. As a result, the woman reaches orgasm faster.
It is important to understand that a thicker penis is not a prerequisite for a woman's satisfaction. Many women claim that they get the same pleasure with partners whose members are of different thicknesses.
Penis enlargement with folk remedies
In addition to exercises and innovative natural formulations, you can enlarge your penis using folk remedies.

In the first place is the usual baking soda, phytotherapy also helps - remedies based on herbs and medicinal plants can be used both externally and drink infusions and decoctions.
Baking soda is sold all over the place and costs a penny, so methods that involve using it are not only effective but also have little budgetary impact.
- Compresses with soda. For preparation, mix soda powder with honey and apply to the entire length of the penis, avoiding the head;
- Soda solution baths. With their help, you can improve blood supply and prevent the development of inflammation. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before sexual intercourse, having previously achieved an erection;
- Soda scrub. Enlarges the penis and prevents urological diseases. Manipulations should be carried out only after a hot shower, in conclusion it is important to apply a moisturizer to the penis;
- Soda massage. First, you need to apply base or olive oil to the penis, then soda and massage with a soft sponge for 5 minutes. Wait 2 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
Oral medicine
Certain herbs and spices help lengthen the penis, if you regularly take infusions, tinctures and decoctions inside:
- Wormwood decoction. Boil 5 g of wormwood seeds in cold water for 10 minutes. Wait until the product has cooled and filtered. Consume 100 ml daily 2 times;
- Garlic tincture. Insist 200 g of garlic on 250 ml of high-quality alcohol, previously crushed into a thick mass. Leave in a closed jar for 10 days. Drink 25 drops in the morning and in the evening for 3 months;
- Infusion with thyme. Pour 100 g of dry herb with 300 ml of boiling water and wait for it to cool naturally. Pass through cheesecloth and drink upon waking and before bedtime for 120 days.
Means of external use
Herbal remedies help not only when taken internally, but also when applied externally. A known method is the use of aloe juice. It is necessary to squeeze out the liquid from the "adult" leaves, cut off at the roots, and rub the penis with the juice.
Horse chestnut tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared by yourself, has the same effect. An aqueous infusion of ginseng root, ginkgo biloba leaves and hawthorn fruit is recommended to be rubbed into the skin of the penis to increase its size.
Glans penis enlargement

Thousands of men are interested in augmentation of the glans, which is an integral part of the penis. This is not surprising, since according to statistics, every third representative of the stronger sex is not satisfied with the size of their own penis.
Today there are many effective methods for men to make the head of the penis bigger. The choice of a suitable method should be done on an individual basis. It is highly recommended to use the help of a competent specialist who can recommend a safe and at the same time effective solution to the problem.
The most radical solution to the problem of a small penis head is to enlarge it through surgery.
Glans augmentation is a specific plastic surgery. It requires careful preparation and involvement of a surgeon who is familiar with the tactics of performing surgical manipulations.
Not every man is allowed to enlarge the head or enlarge the entire penis by surgery. This is because the operation has a number of disadvantages that can have a negative impact on human health. We are talking about the following disadvantages of surgery to resize the head of the genital organ:
- High probability of penis deformity.
- Risk of secondary infection and development of inflammatory processes.
- Long term of preparation for surgery.
- Possible loss of sensation of the penis due to damage to the nerve endings.
- The need for rehabilitation, which takes a long period of time.
During the operation, a special matrix is introduced through the incision, which will be located between the tissues of the penis body and the head. Due to this, the volume of the organ increases.
The operation does not always have a positive outcome. The immune system will perceive the implant as a foreign body. Because of this, there is a high probability of rejection.
Traditional methods of changing the parameters of the penis involve the use of special gels. Such methods of head enlargement are considered less dangerous than surgery. But their effectiveness is lower.
Hyaluronic acid gels may be recommended for men. They fill the space in the head area, thereby increasing its volume. Such a procedure is practically not traumatic, does not require rehabilitation and has a minimum number of contraindications.
The injection of the gel into the male genitals is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is carried out under the full supervision of a specialist.
After a procedure, during which a man is injected with a gel, reddening of the skin and tissue swelling may occur. These symptoms go away quickly without outside intervention. The increase in the volume of the head with the gel is also carried out locally. In this case, special funds are purchased, which are regularly rubbed into the area requiring correction.

An operation to increase the volume of the head of the penis can be performed, but if a man is not ready to take drastic measures, he should use the help of medication.
Important! It is forbidden to use medications to increase the size of the entire penis or its head without first consulting a doctor. Most of them affect hormones, which can lead to serious health problems.
It is customary to use tablets and capsules to correct head volume. They need to be drunk for a long time to get the desired result. Unfortunately, such drugs are also capable of disrupting sexual function, due to which there is an erection and potency disorder.
Preparing the penis for the procedure
Penis enlargement at home begins with preparatory procedures. The organ needs to be preheated. Before performing any complex, you must take a towel soaked in warm water and apply it on your stomach. This action increases blood flow and is characterized by a calming effect.
After exposure to the abdomen, the towel is moved to the penis for about 5 minutes. Correct heating prepares the organ for power loads and increases blood flow.
Salt is used to warm up and increase elasticity. Crystals are placed in a tissue bag and applied to the penis. The lack of salt is easily replenished with a wet washcloth or tissue that is attached to the organ.
Important: all exercises are not performed on a fully erect penis. The organ should be 60% erect. To minimize friction, an additional lubricant is applied. Exercise is only possible after warming up.
Jelqing is a new technique based on the stimulation of blood flow to the genitals. Systematic execution thickens the penis and increases it in length. Jelqing is performed in several stages:
- the penis is gripped at the base;
- the hand slowly rises to the head, while it is tightly squeezed;
- the penis is gripped at the base and slowly wound up;
- sequential change of limbs allows you to correctly influence the genital organ;
- the exercise is repeated several times.
Jelqing is based on the stimulation of blood flow to the genitals
Important: Excessive effort is not recommended. This action is dangerous by the development of microcracks.
Curls are diagonal twisting movements. The principle of action is similar to jelqing: the hand gently wraps around the head of the penis, and the organ bends. In this position, you must hold out for 20-30 seconds. Strong pressure is eliminated, a high probability of mechanical damage remains.
Cycling is the best way to increase organ parameters. The cycle is based on a whole set of exercises performed according to a specific algorithm. Cyclic example:
- 50 jelqing stretches;
- 5 rotational stretches;
- 10 double stretch lines;
- 1 set of basic stretching.

Loops can vary depending on the end result.
Important: exercises begin with warming up, upon completion the man performs massage movements. This action is aimed at preventing mechanical damage and maintaining the result.
A man must follow safety precautions. Organ enlargement is a long process, excessive exposure is fraught with serious injuries.
At the end of the workout, the penis should rest, sex should be postponed for several hours.
The muscles of the penis need proper stretching. To this end, the organ is clasped below the head and gently pulled away from itself. The exercise correctly affects the ligaments, contributing to their development. Regular stretching increases the length.
Jelq or milking, an adapted exercise to extend the organ. For this purpose, the penis is stretched to the maximum possible state for 15 seconds. To get started, 20 pulls are enough, the maximum number is 100.
Blood circulation
Correct blood circulation in the pelvic organs eliminates stagnant processes and increases the volume of the penis. Massage on a regular basis is essential for blood flow. Smooth circular movements improve blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the size of the penis. The action must be repeated 30 times.
The penis is gripped at the base and released abruptly. This action will allow excess blood to drain. If pain occurs, it is necessary to reconsider the correctness of the technique.